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Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office
Project Snapshot
PRISM Project #01-1420 (Completed)
Omak Creek Road Decommission
Sponsor Match
Match MetricFinal Amount
Alignment $14,492
      Amounts may not be complete
Percent of Agreement Total 25%
Sponsor Match Details
  Final Answer
Describe how the value of the volunteers was determined (A.13.a.3) N/A
Description of other In-Kind contributions (A.13.c.2) N/A
Funding Organization Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation
Number of hours volunteers contributed to the project (A.13.a.1) 0.0000
Project identifier for the other monetary funding (A.12.b)
Source of Donated Paid Contributions (A.13.b.2)
Source of Donated Un-paid labor contributions (A.13.a.4) N/A
Source of Other In-Kind Contributions (A.13.c.3)
Source of other monetary funding (A.12.a) Colville Confederated Tribes

Date of last change: 07/24/2023